
Missetat - Mann, person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle
  • In fact, on 3 July 2003, President Bush decided that six of the detainees would be subject to possible trial by military commissions for terrorist activities against the US.
  • In fact, on 3 July 2003, President Bush decided that six of the detainees would be subject to possible trial by military commissions for terrorist activities against the US.
  • This Parliament has always been well aware of the substantive implications for the EU-US partnership deriving from the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the US.
  • This Parliament has always been well aware of the substantive implications for the EU-US partnership deriving from the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the US.
  • Preparatory action in favor of the victims of terrorist acts
  • Preparatory action in favor of the victims of terrorist acts

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Victims of terrorist acts
Victims of terrorist acts
She was beaten, tortured, forced to confess to an alleged plot to mount a terrorist incursion from neighbouring Botswana, and subsequently imprisoned.
She was beaten, tortured, forced to confess to an alleged plot to mount a terrorist incursion from neighbouring Botswana, and subsequently imprisoned.
Wann kann eine Person als Terrorist eingestuft werden?
wanneer kan een persoon als terrorist worden beschouwd?

terrorist (Nomen)


Terrorist (n)

misdaad - man, person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle