Sake (Nomen)


sake (n)

Japanese rice wine, alkoholische Getränke
  • This in turn led to calls from Parliament and others for certain measures and funding to be transferred, for the sake of coherence, from Objective 3 to Objective 2.
  • This in turn led to calls from Parliament and others for certain measures and funding to be transferred, for the sake of coherence, from Objective 3 to Objective 2.
  • For the sake of legal certainty, it is necessary to give clear indications about the operator responsible for the placing of the market, if this operator is different from the importer.
  • For the sake of legal certainty, it is necessary to give clear indications about the operator responsible for the placing of the market, if this operator is different from the importer.
  • The incapacity of current structures and enforcement mechanisms to duly ensure a correct and timely transposition of EU law in such a fundamental aspect of European identity such as that of the freedom of movement is simply unacceptable for the sake of the legitimacy and reputation of the EU project as a whole.
  • The incapacity of current structures and enforcement mechanisms to duly ensure a correct and timely transposition of EU law in such a fundamental aspect of European identity such as that of the freedom of movement is simply unacceptable for the sake of the legitimacy and reputation of the EU project as a whole.

sake (Nomen)


Reiswein (n)

alcoholische dranken

Sake (n)

Japanese rice wine, alcoholische dranken