Emu (Nomen)


emù (n)

Ornithologie, A large flightless bird, ''Dromaius novaehollandiae''

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The sovereign debt crisis has shown that macroeconomic and fiscal imbalances can seriously endanger the smooth functioning of EMU.
The sovereign debt crisis has shown that macroeconomic and fiscal imbalances can seriously endanger the smooth functioning of EMU.
As economic policy coordination and rules in the euro area are strengthened, they should ultimately be reflected in the external representation of EMU.
As economic policy coordination and rules in the euro area are strengthened, they should ultimately be reflected in the external representation of EMU.

EMU (Nomen)


Emu (n)

A large flightless bird, ''Dromaius novaehollandiae'', ornitologia