The Piano Player

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Insgesamt blieb Venezuela ein sehr kleiner Player auf dem Gemeinschaftsmarkt.
Overall, however, Venezuela remained a very small player on the Community market.
Der sich ausdehnende Luftverkehrsbinnenmarkt macht die EU zu einem Global Player.
The expanding single aviation market is turning the EU into a global player.
In particular, in your view does it turn the ECB to a de facto fiscal player and thus possibly endanger its independence?
In particular, in your view does it turn the ECB to a de facto fiscal player and thus possibly endanger its independence?
One therefore cannot claim that the ECB has become a fiscal player.
One therefore cannot claim that the ECB has become a fiscal player.
Der Windows Media Player sei ja nach wie vor marktbeherrschend.
He was worried it would send a negative signal to innovative enterprises.

The Piano Player

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Global player
Globaler Akteur