North New Hide Park

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Continue north west, then north, then north east to a junction at map reference SU859517.
Continue north-west, then north, then north-east to a junction at map reference SU859517.
Turn left onto the A327 and continue north west, north, west, then north to a junction at map reference SU717731.
Turn left onto the A327 and continue north-west, north, west, then north to a junction at map reference SU717731.
Continue north east, then north and then north west to a roundabout at map reference SK589051.
Continue north-east, then north and then north-west to a roundabout at map reference SK589051.
Continue north, north east, north then north east to a roundabout at map reference TF005733.
Continue north, north-east, north then north-east to a roundabout at map reference TF005733.
Continue north east, north, then north east to a roundabout at TA264040.
Continue north-east, north, then north-east to a roundabout at TA264040.
North Nord
North Dakota
North Dakota
Trafford Park
Trafford Park
Colliton Park
Colliton Park
North Shields
North Shields
Centre Park
Centre Park
Centre park
Centre park
North Africa
North Africa
North America
North America
North Korea
North Korea
Sie fand nicht im Rahmen des HIDE-Projekts selbst, sondern als private Initiative der beiden Partner statt.
The event is not an event planned under the HIDE project itself and is solely a private initiative of the abovementioned partners.

North New Hide Park

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

New connections between north Sweden and north Norway
Neue Verbindungsleitungen Nordschweden-Nordnorwegen
Hide glue
New Island north-east
New Island nach Nordosten
the new car park;
den neuen Parkplatz,
hide powder
What has he got to hide?
Was hat er zu verbergen?
New connections between North Sweden and North Norway
Neue Verbindungsleitungen Nordschweden - Nordnorwegen