Moving McAllister

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Video and photo evidence of the incident shows that the Tibetan group was moving slowly away from the Chinese forces firing on them, did not approach the Chinese forces and did not represent a threat to them.
Video and photo evidence of the incident shows that the Tibetan group was moving slowly away from the Chinese forces firing on them, did not approach the Chinese forces and did not represent a threat to them.
National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images
National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images

Moving McAllister

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Escalators and moving walkways
Rolltreppen und Rollsteige
Moving walkways
Moving workshops services
Betrieb von Werkstattwagen
Hazards from moving parts
Gefahren, die von beweglichen Teilen ausgehen
Moving product
In Bewegung befindliches Produkt
Earth-moving equipment;
moving electrodes
bewegte Elektroden
moving and commuting costs;
Umzugs- und Arbeitswegkosten;
ear Moving Average
Gleitender Vierjahresdurchschnitt
Moving target
Bewegliches Ziel
He said the EU was not moving too quickly, but was moving in the wrong direction.
Das heutige Europa sei kritisch beleuchtet worden.