EN Englisch Wörterbuch 46451 bis 46500
- plenum chamber
- plenum chambers
- purchasing cost
- prima facie evidence
- prima facie evidence of title
- plug sockets
- power cables
- power supply cord
- power supply cords
- plug connectors
- potted connector
- proposal submittal letter
- precoat filter
- precoat filters
- precoar cycle
- picture postcards
- payroll saving
- persons in charge
- proof of claim
- person entitled to assert a claim
- persons entitled to assert a claim
- permanent employment
- permanent appointment
- progressivity in lateral adherence
- piercing machine
- piercing machines
- prompt neutron fraction
- pump and dump
- pro rata amount
- pillbox antenna
- pulpit antependium, pulpit frontal
- processing of the applications
- proposers
- provisional application