EN Englisch Wörterbuch 26251 bis 26300
- hand over a case to a higher court
- handing over a case to a higher court
- handed over a case to a higher court
- heavy air
- heavy horn-rimmed glasses
- heavy boots
- heavy velvet curtains
- heavy clay soil
- heavy clouds
- He is getting quite tubby.
- His death should serve as a warning to other young people.
- have taken drugs
- hustle things on
- hustle things along
- He is rushed for time.
- herd together
- herding together
- herded together
- He had always been overshadowed by his elder sister.
- have one's turn
- hinged side wall
- hinged tool holder
- He threatened to kill her.
- here and over there
- He regards himself as superior.
- His hair in getting thin
- He is going thin on top.
- He is a gentleman through and through.
- hustle through a crowd
- hash up
- Her stage partner goofed his lines.
- help through
- helping through
- helped through
- helps through
- He had to go through several months of training.
- He thought he could fool me but I got wise to him.
- He perused the newspaper over breakfast.
- Hunters are stalking the woods for deer.
- have a consistently good experience at a hotel
- Her second marriage was likewise unhappy.
- harrow sth.