EN Englisch Wörterbuch 24751 bis 24800
- hire-purchase companies
- hire-purchase terms
- hire-purchase business
- hire-purchase transaction
- hire-purchase credit
- hire-purchase credits
- hire-purchase price
- hire-purchase agreement
- hire-purchase agreements
- held call
- home telephone number
- hydraulic mobile crane
- hydraulic mobile cranes
- Haig mount
- heroic tenor
- heather mix carpet
- His birthday completely slipped my mind.
- Have you been vaccinated against tetanus_
- hell of a guy
- highlighters
- Hawaiian-themed party
- health farm
- health spas
- health farms
- holder for an endotracheal tube
- Hörnum tidal basin
- half-tide level
- high water level
- high-ranking officer
- horse whisperer
- He left her holding the baby.
- He sits at the upper end of the table.
- He sits at the bottom of the table.
- have a title
- head line
- head lines
- henbane bell
- Harmony and Counterpoint
- He is one of the country's most prolific marksmen, scoring 30 goals in 45 matches.