zur Not


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Not- und Dringlichkeitssignalen.
distress and urgency signals.
Not- und Dringlichkeitssignalen.
Distress and urgency signals.
Not- und Behelfsunterkunft
Emergency temporary shelter
Not- und Behelfsunterkunft
Emergency temporary camp
Bin in Not
I am in distress
Behandlung der Not leidenden Kredite und Kredite zur Umschuldung unter den Marktkonditionen
Treatment of bad loans and loans for debt restructuring below market conditions
- Export tax not applicable
- Export tax not applicable
Not relevant
Not relevant
It is not sufficient that the rights and principles of the Charter are not violated.
It is not sufficient that the rights and principles of the Charter are not violated.
preparations not started yet
preparations not started yet
Bookmark not defined.
Published separately
Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
Not permitted
Not permitted
Asyl in Not, Wien.
Asyl in Not, Vienna.
May not be used
May not be used
Dort sei klar zu machen, dass Saddam Hussein zur Not auch gewaltsam entwaffnet werden muss.
There were sufficient safeguards to guarantee against these dangers, she said.
Dort sei klar zu machen, dass Saddam Hussein zur Not auch gewaltsam entwaffnet werden muss.
Parliament argues in favour of extending the proposed directive to cover information held by public sector bodies .