You should do that.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Do you acknowledge that you committed the offence?
Wird das Verkehrsdelikt zugegeben?
- Do you agree to consolidating the existing codes of conduct with a set of common minimum requirements? Who do you think should write the code?
- Sind Sie der Auffassung, dass die bestehenden Verhaltenskodizes mittels gemeinsamer Mindestanforderungen konsolidiert werden sollten? Wer sollte die Regeln des Verhaltenskodexes Ihrer Auffassung nach festlegen?
At the global level, what do you think the EU should do?
Was sollte die EU nach Ansicht des Rates auf globaler Ebene unternehmen?
At the global level, what do you think the EU should do?
Was sollte die EU nach Ansicht der Kommission auf globaler Ebene tun?
At the global level, what do you think the EU should do?
Strukturelle Reformen gefordert
What do you make of that description?
Was halten Sie von dieser Titulierung?
How far do you think financial disclosure should go?
Wie weit sollte die finanzielle Offenlegung gehen?
2.- How do you believe the European Neighbourhood Policy should evolve?
Wie sollte sich die Nachbarschaftspolitik entwickeln?
Why do you think that is?
Warum ist das so?
What do you mean by that?
Was bedeutet das?
Do you think that the international role of the Euro should be encouraged?
Do you think that the international role of the Euro should be encouraged?
Do you think that ECB should accept as a rule all euro area government bonds as securities?
Do you think that ECB should accept as a rule all euro area government bonds as securities?
Do you think the internet should be policed?
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