You are what you do, not what you say you'll do

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

In case you are involved in any current legal proceedings, would you please give details?
In case you are involved in any current legal proceedings, would you please give details?
What changes, if any, would you promote?
What changes, if any, would you promote?
What further steps would you see as necessary to strengthen the economic governance in the EU?
What further steps would you see as necessary to strengthen the economic governance in the EU?
Do you think that ECB should accept as a rule all euro area government bonds as securities?
Do you think that ECB should accept as a rule all euro area government bonds as securities?
Do you think that Central Banks are able to fight efficiently against excessive volatility?
Do you think that Central Banks are able to fight efficiently against excessive volatility?
Do you think that the international role of the Euro should be encouraged?
Do you think that the international role of the Euro should be encouraged?
What do you think about the publication by the Fed or the Bank of England of the minutes of their meetings?
What do you think about the publication by the Fed or the Bank of England of the minutes of their meetings?
Do you think this policy could be applied by the ECB?
Do you think this policy could be applied by the ECB?
You may refuse to accept the document if it is not
You may refuse to accept the document if it is not