with absolute power

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Absolute pressure
Absoluter Druck
Absolute pressure
absoluter Druck
Absolute temperature
Absolute Temperatur
Absolute temperature
absolute Temperatur
Article 150 Absolute bar to proceeding with a case
Artikel 150 Unverzichtbare Prozessvoraussetzungen
Absolute bar to proceeding with a case
Unverzichtbare Prozessvoraussetzungen
the absolute value of long positions shall be summed with the absolute value of short positions.
der absolute Wert von Kaufpositionen und der absolute Wert von Verkaufspositionen werden zusammenaddiert.
This value is disclosed as an absolute number with 2 decimal points.
Dieser Wert wird in absoluten Zahlen mit 2 Dezimalstellen offengelegt.
Parliament asked the President of the Philippines to exercise her power by granting an absolute pardon to Francisco Larranaga and securing his immediate release from prison.
Parliament asked the President of the Philippines to exercise her power by granting an absolute pardon to Francisco Larranaga and securing his immediate release from prison.
The European Parliament asked the President of the Philippines to exercise her power by granting an absolute pardon to him and securing his immediate release from prison.
The European Parliament asked the President of the Philippines to exercise her power by granting an absolute pardon to him and securing his immediate release from prison.