witch's one-times-one

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Samples should be taken at two separate times following treatment on one day.
Wenn die Testsubstanz an einem Tag verabreicht wird, sollte zu zwei unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten aufgearbeitet werden.
Having to apply for one several times a year has a discouraging effect.
Es wirkt entmutigend, wenn man mehrere Male im Jahr ein solches Visum beantragen muss.
One reason was that countries failed to use the good times to create budget surpluses, which would have created room for manoeuvre in bad times.
One reason was that countries failed to use the good times to create budget surpluses, which would have created room for manoeuvre in bad times.
Anarchy is one of the products of our times.
Die Anarchie ist eines der Produkte unserer Zeit.