When the investigator showed the photo spread to the witness, she did not recognize the perpetrator.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Ms Suominen complained that she did not receive a fair hearing as she was prevented from presenting all the evidence she wanted to present.
Frau Suominen beklagte, kein faires Gerichtsverfahren erhalten zu haben, da sie daran gehindert worden war, alle Beweise vorzulegen, die sie vorlegen wollte.
Video and photo evidence of the incident shows that the Tibetan group was moving slowly away from the Chinese forces firing on them, did not approach the Chinese forces and did not represent a threat to them.
Video and photo evidence of the incident shows that the Tibetan group was moving slowly away from the Chinese forces firing on them, did not approach the Chinese forces and did not represent a threat to them.
She is an activist of Global Witness.
She is an activist of Global Witness.
As the example of Chernobyl showed, when a nuclear disaster occurs, the effects do not remain confined within the borders of the country concerned, but spread to countries a long way off.
Wie die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl gezeigt hat, sind im Falle einer atomaren Katastrophe nicht nur die Gebiete innerhalb des jeweiligen Staatsgebiets betroffen, sondern auch Staaten, die weit entfernt liegen.
If not, what did she say?
Wenn nein, was hat sie gesagt?