When I last met her, she was just a shadow of her former self.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Just months after her release from her 6-year ordeal, she urged the House not to forget other hostages.
Zu Beginn der Tagung sprach Ingrid Betancourt zu den Abgeordneten.
Despite all the evidence suggested that she was assassinated because of her professional activity, the authorities accused her son and her stepfather.
Despite all the evidence suggested that she was assassinated because of her professional activity, the authorities accused her son and her stepfather.
She was sentenced to have her nose and ears cut off, a sentence her husband personally carried out.
Das Urteil lautete, ihr die Nase und die Ohren abzuschneiden, und ihr Ehemann selbst vollzog die Strafe.
Her disappearance was reported last Friday, by the director of the film in which she is acting.
Am letzten Freitag hatte der Regisseur des Films, in dem sie mitspielte, ihr Verschwinden bekannt gegeben.