Whatever Works - Liebe sich wer kann

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Philshin Works Corporation, Cavite;
Philshin Works Corporation, Cavite.
Volzhsky Pipe Works Open Joint Stock Company, Joint Stock Company Taganrog Metallurgical Works, Sinarsky Pipe Works Open Joint Stock Company und Seversky Tube Works Open Joint Stock Company
Volzhsky Pipe Works Open Joint Stock Company, Joint Stock Company Taganrog Metallurgical Works, Sinarsky Pipe Works Open Joint Stock Company and Seversky Tube Works Open Joint Stock Company
OJSC Dnepropetrowsk Tube Works
OJSC Dnepropetrovsk Tube Works
Indian Steel Works Ltd.
Indian Steel Works Ltd
- Philshin Works Corporation, Cavite;
- Philshin Works Corporation, Cavite.
Wer aber kann garantieren, dass sich dies nicht auf einer Ebene wiederholt, die sich jeder Rettung entzieht?
But who can guarantee that the same thing will not happen again on a scale putting it beyond the reach of any rescue package?
Wer kann sich um eine Teilnahme am Programm bewerben?
Who is eligible to apply to take part in the programme?
Wer kann teilnehmen?
Who is on the Jury?
Wer kann teilnehmen?
What do you have do?
Wer kann teilnehmen?
Chechnya and Georgia were also discussed.
Wer kann gucken?
Who can watch?
Wer kann und will sich dem Vertrag entziehen?
It will come into force six months after it has been ratified by 30 states.
Wer kann kandidieren?
Who is eligible to stand?
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
Dear Colleagues,
Wer kann es dann einsehen?
Who will then be permitted to know about it?
Wer kann, flieht ins Ausland.
All those who can are fleeing abroad.
Office of Public Works
Office of Public Works
Social Works Department of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications
Social Works Department of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications
Volunteering works
Volunteering works