was gibt's in der Glotze_

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Auf was warten die Staaten, auf was wartet der Rat, auf was wartet die Kommission, und auf was wartet unser Organ?
Much more needs to be done, and fast, by the Member States, by the Council, by the Commission and by the European Parliament itself.
Was gedenkt der Rat in dieser Frage zu tun?
What action does the Council intend to take regarding this matter?
Was unternimmt der Rat in der angesprochenen Angelegenheit?
How will the Council deal with the issues raised?
She was sentenced to 90 lashes following an incident in which she was alone in a car talking with a man who was not a close relative when she was attacked and gang-raped.
She was sentenced to 90 lashes following an incident in which she was alone in a car talking with a man who was not a close relative when she was attacked and gang-raped.
Was steht in den Protokollen der Konferenz? 8.
What do the minutes of the conference say? 8.
, was ein Element der Unsicherheit in
introducing an element of
3. Was ist zu tun, und was unternimmt der Rat, um die Lage der Kinder in Sri Lanka zu verbessern?
What is there to be done and what is the Council doing to improve the situation of children in Sri Lanka?
3. Was ist zu tun und was unternimmt der Rat, um die Lage der Kinder in Kolumbien zu verbessern?
What is there to be done and what is the Council doing to improve the situation of children in Colombia?
3. Was ist zu tun und was unternimmt die Kommission, um die Lage der Kinder in Kolumbien zu verbessern?
What is there to be done and what is the Commission doing to improve the situation of children in Colombia?