This must not happen in future at any cost.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

This did not happen.
Dieser Fall ist jedoch nicht eingetreten.
However, this did not happen.
Dies sei jedoch nicht geschehen.
However, this did not happen.
Dies traf allerdings nicht zu.
This did however not happen.
Dies war jedoch nicht der Fall.
This must not change in the future .
Dies muss auch in Zukunft so bleiben.
This means that such agencies must not, either now or in the future, lead to an increase in the share of administrative cost.
This means that such agencies must not, either now or in the future, lead to an increase in the share of administrative cost.
If this does not happen, the carbonate removal process must be repeated.
Andernfalls ist das Karbonatbeseitigungsverfahren zu wiederholen.