This kind of activity suits me.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Number of kind of activity units
Zahl der fachlichen Einheiten
Number of kind-of-activity units
Zahl der fachlichen Einheiten
Number of kind-of activity units
Zahl der fachlichen Einheiten
11 31 0 Number of kind-of-activity units
11 31 0 Zahl der fachlichen Einheiten
How do I listen to the debates live and when it suits me?
Das Parlament - live und auf Abruf
But I would mention some of the decisions that I have made during my activity which were a kind of a challenge for me and have brought to positive results in the practice of the institution that I have worked for.
But I would mention some of the decisions that I have made during my activity which were a kind of a challenge for me and have brought to positive results in the practice of the institution that I have worked for.
If so, is the Commission planning to wind up this kind of illegal commercial activity?
Wenn ja, beabsichtigt die Kommission, diesem illegalen Handel ein Ende zu bereiten?
or Kind of Activity Units
oder fachlichen Einheiten