There was nothing more that could be done.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

So there was nothing to gloss over.
Es gab also nichts zu vertuschen.
And there is also more to be done.
Aber das ist noch nicht alles.
But there is room for more to be done.
Aber es muss noch mehr geschehen.
In the second case, there had been significant progress, but there was no room for complacency and more needed to be done, he said.
Die EZB gehe davon aus, dass dieser Wachstumstrend sich auch in den kommenden Quartalen fortsetzen werde.
As Commissioner VERHEUGEN said, there is no more that the Turkish Government could have done.
Allein diese Hoffnung zwinge uns, Verhandlungen aufzunehmen.
On the Constitution, he explained that he was not overstating what the Presidency could achieve as this was not something that could be done alone.
Er wolle hinsichtlich der Verfassung trotz seines entschiedenen Willens nicht zu viel versprechen.