The Mayor and his cohorts have abused their positions of power.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

former Minister of economic development, there have been allegations of violations of his right to a fair trial and of poor conditions of his detention According to a letter received from lawyers representing Mr Aliyev, he was denied due process in pre-trial detention, his right to legal counsel of his choosing was consistently abused and he was denied regular access to his attorneys.
former Minister of economic development, there have been allegations of violations of his right to a fair trial and of poor conditions of his detention According to a letter received from lawyers representing Mr Aliyev, he was denied due process in pre-trial detention, his right to legal counsel of his choosing was consistently abused and he was denied regular access to his attorneys.
Given the concentration of power amongst relatively few organisations within the retail food market, should not the Commission have some watchful eye on how this power is either used or abused?
Sollte die Kommission angesichts der Machtkonzentration auf relativ wenige Unternehmen im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel nicht aufmerksam beobachten, wie diese Macht gebraucht bzw. missbraucht wird?