The look in her eyes was a dead giveaway.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

dead-time and how it was measured.
Totzeit und entsprechendes Messverfahren.
Mrs Politkovskaya, who was known for her opposition to the Chechen conflict, was shot dead on 7 October 2006.
Frau Politikovskaya wurde am 7. Dezember 2006 ermordet und war bekannt durch ihren Widerstand gegen den Tschetschenien-Konflikt.
FTUWKC President, was shot dead in January 2004.
FTUWKC President, was shot dead in January 2004.
He was shot dead on 14 March 2007 in a hotel in Mogadishu.
He was shot dead on 14 March 2007 in a hotel in Mogadishu.
On 7 October 2006 she was shot dead in the elevator of her apartment building, an assassination still unsolved.
On 7 October 2006 she was shot dead in the elevator of her apartment building, an assassination still unsolved.