The bilateral agreement has been completely lost in the general failure of the conference.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Accordingly the failure identified by the General Court has been addressed.
Der vom Gericht festgestellte Mangel ist damit behoben.
Because the second stadium has not been finished completely, the third has not yet been fully reached.
Because the second stadium has not been finished completely, the third has not yet been fully reached.
Has the planned bilateral meeting been held?
Hat das geplante bilaterale Treffen bereits stattgefunden?
In other words, the 1997 idea has been picked up again and extended, but in the interim, much time has been lost as far as research into the musical world and its problems has been lost.
Der Gedanke von 1997 wurde somit wieder aufgenommen und weiterentwickelt, jedoch wurde in der Zwischenzeit viel Zeit verloren, um die Probleme der Musik zu erforschen.