the bane of his life

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Peace activist, he is facing a life sentence for expressing his views.
Peace activist, he is facing a life sentence for expressing his views.
His freedom of religion was not respected, and his right to life and security of person was threatened, as well as that of his wife.
His freedom of religion was not respected, and his right to life and security of person was threatened, as well as that of his wife.
At that point, he began his hunger strike and was sent to a cell where his life is in danger.
Daraufhin trat er in Hungerstreik und wurde in eine Zelle gebracht, in der er sich in Lebensgefahr befindet.
Mr Gligorijevic is being persecuted by the Skopje Government and is living in fear of his life because of his scientific research.
Herr Gligorijevic wird von der Regierung von Skopje verfolgt und wegen seiner wissenschaftlichen Forschung terrorisiert.
His condition was thus life threatening.
Der Patient befand sich daher in Lebensgefahr.