right to stand for election

  • American women were the first to obtain the right to stand for election in 1788.
  • Amerikanerinnen erhielten 1788 als erste Frauen das passive Wahlrecht.
  • Women however were not allowed to exercise their right to vote or to stand for election on that occasion.
  • Frauen blieb das aktive wie das passive Wahlrecht verwehrt.
  • extension of the right to vote and to stand for election 19.
  • Die Ausdehnung des aktiven und passiven Wahlrechts 19.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

- All voters have right to stand for election as candidates on party lists
- All voters have right to stand for election as candidates on party lists
- Anyone entitled to vote may stand for election
- Anyone entitled to vote may stand for election