richest in calories

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The energy content should be indicated only in kilo-calories, as this is the information which consumers understand and may use.
Der Energiegehalt sollte nur in kcal angegeben werden, da dies die Angabe ist, die der Verbraucher versteht und gegebenenfalls verwendet.
Once the richest man in Russia, Khodorkovsky was arrested in October 2003 and found guilty of fraud in May 2005.
Once the richest man in Russia, Khodorkovsky was arrested in October 2003 and found guilty of fraud in May 2005.
In comparison to the normal versions of the product, diabetic products contain much more fat and calories.
Im Vergleich zur normalen Variante enthalten Diabetikerprodukte vielfach mehr Fett und Kalorien.