rationale Erwartungen

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Future expectations
Berechtigte Erwartungen und Anreizeffekt
Legitimate expectations and incentive effect
Erwartungen der Europa-Abgeordneten
What MEPs want to see
There is no rationale to omit a reference to the supervision of assets, since they are an essential part of insurance activity.
There is no rationale to omit a reference to the supervision of assets, since they are an essential part of insurance activity.
Erwartungen verschiedener Zielgruppen
the expectations of different target groups
der Schutz legitimer Erwartungen;
protection of legitimate expectations;
die berechtigten Erwartungen der
the legitimate expectations of
Wirtschaftlicher Erfolg hinter den Erwartungen
They insist that Parliament will actively use its right of scrutiny in such cases.