peak-to-average ripple factors

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Correction factors relating to the average climatic situation
Korrekturfaktoren auf der Grundlage der durchschnittlichen klimatischen Bedingungen
Instantaneous, average, root mean square, peak, peak to peak current values and calculations of these values, in relation to voltage, current and power;
Momentanwerte, Durchschnittswerte, quadratische Mittelwerte, Spitzenwerte, Spitze-Spitze-Stromwerte und Berechnungen dieser Werte in Relation zu Spannung, Strom und Leistung;
The average and median peak load of both 0,38 are even smaller.
Der Durchschnitt und der Median der Spitzenlast von jeweils 0,38 sind sogar noch niedriger.
An average wholesale cap allows operators flexibility to set different rates to reflect differences in the cost of using their network, between peak and off-peak times or across different routes for example.
An average wholesale cap allows operators flexibility to set different rates to reflect differences in the cost of using their network, between peak and off-peak times or across different routes for example.