overstate the case

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Case by case
Je nach Sachlage
This is not the case in the present case.
Dies ist im vorliegenden Fall nicht festzustellen.
Applicability of the Altmark case-law to the present case
Zur Anwendbarkeit des Urteils Altmark auf den vorliegenden Fall
E. Case-file and inspection of the case-file
E. Akten der Rechtssache und Einsicht in die Akten der Rechtssache
- There is some progress in lifelong learning participation. However, much of it is a result of changes in surveys in several Member States, which led to higher nominal participation rates and thus overstate overall progress.
- There is some progress in lifelong learning participation. However, much of it is a result of changes in surveys in several Member States, which led to higher nominal participation rates and thus overstate overall progress.