Originally, I am from Cologne, but after the war circumstances brought me to Carinthia.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Even though I am aware of the prevailing tide of opinion in this House, some statements continue to alarm me.
Obwohl ich mir der in diesem Hause vorherschenden Ansicht bewusst bin, gibt es Aussagen, die mich nach wie vor in Erstaunen versetzen.
Some call me a dictator masked under a pro-democracy flag, but I think we are at war, therefore we need a general, headquarters, officers and soldiers.
Ich bin aber der Ansicht, dass wir uns im Krieg befinden, deshalb brauchen wir einen General, einen Generalstab, Offiziere und Soldaten.
It is not easy today for a young film maker to launch into the market but I want to do it for them because if no one had helped me I would not be where I am today.
Wir haben das Paradigma aufgegeben, das in meiner Kindheit noch existierte, und das kulturell bestimmt war.
I am ready to cooperate even with those MEPs most critical of me.
Ich bin bereit auch mit denen zusammenzuarbeiten, die mich am meisten kritisieren.
But I would mention some of the decisions that I have made during my activity which were a kind of a challenge for me and have brought to positive results in the practice of the institution that I have worked for.
But I would mention some of the decisions that I have made during my activity which were a kind of a challenge for me and have brought to positive results in the practice of the institution that I have worked for.
I am sure the Commission agrees with me on this.
Stimmt die Kommission dem zu?