ongoing crisis

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Developments in the ongoing debt crisis and the EU response
Entwicklungen in der derzeitigen Schuldenkrise und die Reaktion der EU
This highlights the fact that the ongoing euro area crisis is a fiscal and financial crisis but does not endanger the value of the currency, be it internal or external.
This highlights the fact that the ongoing euro area crisis is a fiscal and financial crisis but does not endanger the value of the currency, be it internal or external.
The ongoing and deepening sovereign debt crisis poses many risks and challenges to the ECB, and more in general to Europe.
The ongoing and deepening sovereign debt crisis poses many risks and challenges to the ECB, and more in general to Europe.
The last few days have shown just how serious the situation is with regard to the ongoing economic crisis.
In den letzten Tagen ist offenbar geworden, wie ernst die Lage infolge der andauernden Wirtschaftskrise ist.