not a single bloody person

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The effect of this totalitarianism is this bloody conflict.
Diese liegt bereits im Entwurf vor.
It should be made explicit that not every single applicant needs to appear in person at a consulate but that exceptions are foreseen.
It should be made explicit that not every single applicant needs to appear in person at a consulate but that exceptions are foreseen.
The Rambouillet negotiations brought the bloody war in Kosovo to a close.
Die Verhandlungen von Rambouillet markierten das Ende des blutigen Krieges im Kosovo.
Despite all this, the Commission has not yet named a single person at whom the charges of corruption should be levelled.
Trotz alledem hat die Kommission immer noch nicht eine einzelne Person genannt, die der Korruption angeklagt werden sollte.