nicht besonders toll

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

sonstige in den vorhergehenden Linien nicht besonders vorgesehene Sachausgaben.
other running costs not specially provided for in the preceding items.
- kleinere, nicht besonders vorgesehene Sachausgaben.
- petty expenses not specifically provided for.
The Directive aims to ensure the interoperability of electronic toll systems in the Community and the introduction of a European electronic toll service which encompasses the entire road network in the Community on which tolls are charged.
The Directive aims to ensure the interoperability of electronic toll systems in the Community and the introduction of a European electronic toll service which encompasses the entire road network in the Community on which tolls are charged.
Despite some minor differences, especially with regard to the timetable of the introduction of the European toll service, your rapporteur recommends the adoption of the common position without any modifications.
Despite some minor differences, especially with regard to the timetable of the introduction of the European toll service, your rapporteur recommends the adoption of the common position without any modifications.
A European toll service and user-friendly interoperability of the different toll systems is supported by our citizens and the leading performers in the European transport sector.
A European toll service and user-friendly interoperability of the different toll systems is supported by our citizens and the leading performers in the European transport sector.
Erachtet sie ihn nicht als besonders gravierend?
Does it not find them extremely serious?