milked to death

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

that colostrum is milked separately and not mixed together with raw milk.
dass Kolostrum getrennt gemolken und nicht mit Rohmilch vermischt wird.
Stoning to death for adultery?
Steinigung wegen Ehebruchs?
Sentenced to death and on death row .
Sentenced to death and on death row .
Sentenced to death and on death row, involved in hijacking a plane in 2001
Sentenced to death and on death row, involved in hijacking a plane in 2001
Sentenced to death, on death row.
Sentenced to death, on death row.
Sentenced to death and on death row, involved in hijacking a plane in 2001.
Sentenced to death and on death row, involved in hijacking a plane in 2001.
Sentenced to death, on death row
Sentenced to death, on death row