member of the national security service

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Member of the National Security Council.
Mitglied des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats.
Member of the National Security Council.
Mitglied des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates.
Senator, Member of the Committee for National Security and Defence
Senator, Member of the Committee for National Security and Defence
Since 17 June, Mr Turkyilmaz has been held in the National Security Service headquarters in Yerevan under high security conditions.
Seit dem 17. Juni wird Herr Turkyilmaz im Hochsicherheitstrakt der Zentrale des Nationalen Sicherheitsdienstes in Eriwan festgehalten.
national security protocols in case of attack in the Member
nationale Sicherheitsprotokolle im Falle eines Angriffs im