mangelnde Routine

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Mangelnde Risikodifferenzierung
Lack of risk differentiation
Routine-Untersuchungen weisen nicht auf alternative Diagnose hin
Routine investigations do not suggest an alternative diagnosis
A Method for the Routine Assessment of Fore- and Hind- limb Grip Strength of Rats and Mice. Neurobehav.
Mangelnde Hygiene
Physical hygiene failure
Mangelnde Ergonomie
Anatomical unsuitability
Mangelnde Austauschbarkeit
Lack of interchangeability
Routine versuch
Routine test
Routine-Untersuchungen weisen nicht auf alternative Diagnose hin;
Routine investigations do not suggest an alternative diagnosis
A Method for the Routine Assessment of Fore- and Hindlimb Grip Strength of Rates and Mice.
A Method for the Routine Assessment of Fore- and Hindlimb Grip Strength of Rats and Mice.
Mangelnde Abstimmungsbefugnis
Absence of the possibility to participate in the vote
Mangelnde Nachhaltigkeit
Poor sustainability
Mangelnde Evaluierung
Lack of evaluation
Mangelnde Integration
Lack of integration
Mangelnde Zielstrebigkeit
Lack of ambition