Love Lies Bleeding

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The taking of biometrics by external service providers should meet various conditions and an important one is that the final responsibility lies with the consular missions or diplomatic posts.
The taking of biometrics by external service providers should meet various conditions and an important one is that the final responsibility lies with the consular missions or diplomatic posts.
The focus lies on energy efficiency in buildings, household emissions and energy use.
The focus lies on energy efficiency in buildings, household emissions and energy use.

Love Lies Bleeding

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Mindanao bleeding-heart
Luzon bleeding-heart
the bleeding of live animals;
Entbluten lebender Tiere
Bleeding of animals
Entbluten von Tieren
Appropriate use and maintenance of bleeding knives.
Angemessene Verwendung und Instandhaltung von Entblutungsmessern
Love may be as important as the air we breathe but talking about love is not always the easiest topic.
Liebe ist so wichtig wie die Luft zum Atmen, und viele Schlagertexte, Romane, Gedichte, Dramen und Filme drehen sich um nichts anderes.