In welcher Branche ist_

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

der Partner in der Branche;
partners in the professional sector;
Einstufung nach Branche;
industry classification.
The sector
- der Partner in der Branche;
- partners in the professional sector;
- der Partner in der Branche;
- partners in the professional sector.
In welcher Weise und in welcher Frist wird die Kommission die Emissionsnormen anpassen?
In what way and within what timescale will the Commission change the emissions standards?
In welcher Form?
In what form?
In welcher Form?
How is it doing so?
Mittel welcher Art sind bereitgestellt worden und in welcher Menge?
What specific equipment has been made available, and in what quantities?
Wenn ja, in welcher Funktion und in welcher Form?
If so, in what capacity and in what form?
In welcher Weise?
In what way?
In welcher Weise?
And if so, what was that response?