in every detail

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Details of every vaccination which the equine animal undergoes must be entered clearly and in detail, and certified with the name and signature of veterinarian.
Vaccination record Details of every vaccination which the equine animal undergoes must be entered clearly and in detail, and certified with the name and signature of veterinarian. Date
Details of every vaccination which the equine animal has undergone must be entered clearly and in detail, and completed with the name and signature of veterinarian.
Impfpass Die Einzelheiten jeder Impfung von Equiden sind deutlich und detailliert einzutragen und durch Namen und Unterschrift des Tierarztes zu attestieren.
It is not proportionate to require that trips are planned in every detail beforehand.
Es kann nicht verlangt werden, dass alle Einzelheiten der Reise im voraus geplant werden.
in detail
im Einzelnen