Ich werde ihm schon sagen, was die Glocke geschlagen hat.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Die EU tut auch schon was, ich denke etwa an das Schulmilchprogramm.
There are some actions already taken like the milk in school programme.
Was hat die Kommission zum drohenden Zusammenbruch des Galileo-Projekts zu sagen?
What does the Commission have to say about the imminent collapse of the Galileo project?
Er werde nicht mehr beliefert, was ihm unermessliche finanzielle Verluste verursache.
The constituent tells me that his supply stopped and caused him an immeasurable amount of financial loss.
Vor einer Abstimmung solle man abwarten, was Kommissar Patten morgen Nachmittag sagen werde.
The agreement could be better, he said, but the priority should be the fight against terrorism.
Vor einer Abstimmung solle man abwarten, was Kommissar Patten morgen Nachmittag sagen werde.
Each year, approximately 800.000 tonnes of automotive batteries, 190.000 tonnes of industrial batteries and 160.000 tonnes of portable batteries are sold throughout Europe.
Was hat die Kommission diesen Menschen zu sagen?
What does the Commission have to say to these folk?