I'd like to see anyone do better

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

To do my job better
Um meine Arbeit besser zu machen
To do voluntary work better
Um freiwillige Arbeit besser zu machen
Which route would the Council like to see?
Welches Vorgehen bevorzugt der Rat?
There are of course, in a very wide debate, always various voices, but I see nobody with authority who predicts anything like that and I do not see any sign of that.
There are of course, in a very wide debate, always various voices, but I see nobody with authority who predicts anything like that and I do not see any sign of that.
However, anyone reading the new agreements with Morocco and Tanzania will see that it does not.
Doch dies ist in den neuen Abkommen mit Marokko und Tansania nicht der Fall.