I Could Never Be Your Woman

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

If you never applied for asylum before in that country, you will be given the opportunity to apply after your arrival.
Haben Sie in dem betreffenden Land noch nie Asyl beantragt, werden Sie Gelegenheit haben, nach Ihrer Ankunft einen Antrag zu stellen.
I believe that I got this from my mother, who is a proud and strong woman.
Ich denke, ich habe das von meiner Mutter, die eine stolze und starke Frau ist.
I believe that I got this from my mother, who is a proud and strong woman.
Wir zeigen, dass die EU ein stabilisierender Faktor ist.
20081212STO44321 Could your photo be here?
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I would be grateful if you could integrate these remarks in the Report, which your Committee is currently preparing.
I would be grateful if you could integrate these remarks in the Report, which your Committee is currently preparing.