Hit and Run

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Straight-run-Benzin, Toppanlage
Gasoline, straight-run, topping-plant;
HIT OFFICE s.r.o. Teplice, Tschechische Republik
HIT OFFICE s.r.o., Teplice, Czech Republic.
However, this was considered not to be a feasible option in the long-run, and the final directive goes for the information exchange option.
However, this was considered not to be a feasible option in the long-run, and the final directive goes for the information exchange option.
It should only intervene if a threshold is reached, defined in terms of the proportion of workers hit by redundancy in the sector and the region concerned, and the local jobless rate.
It should only intervene if a threshold is reached, defined in terms of the proportion of workers hit by redundancy in the sector and the region concerned, and the local jobless rate.

hit and run

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Following a hit
Im Trefferfall
After a hit
Im Trefferfall
Procedures following a hit
Verfahren im Trefferfall
It can be hit repeatedly.
Sie kann wiederholt aufgerufen werden.