His Official Wife

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

His freedom of religion was not respected, and his right to life and security of person was threatened, as well as that of his wife.
His freedom of religion was not respected, and his right to life and security of person was threatened, as well as that of his wife.
He was assassinated with his wife on 29 August 2007.
He was assassinated with his wife on 29 August 2007.
Mubenga and his wife had been living in the UK for 16 years.
Mubenga und seine Ehefrau lebten seit 16 Jahren in England.
His wife Fatemah was also detained for several months earlier this year.
Seine Frau Fatemah befand sich in diesem Jahr auch schon einige Monate in Haft.
Both he and his wife, Irina Halil, were arrested.
Sannikow und seine Frau, Irina Khalip, wurden festgenommen.
His wife is a gardener and landscape architect and they have two children.
Mit seiner Frau, einer Garten- und Landschaftsarchitektin, hat er zwei Kinder.