He pedalled through the city.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

He was shot to death on 24 October 2007 in the Kyrgyz city of Osh.
He was shot to death on 24 October 2007 in the Kyrgyz city of Osh.
He was arrested on 11 June along with about 100 other church leaders in Wuhan city.
Er wurde am 11. Juni zusammen mit rund 100 anderen Gemeindeleitern in Wuhan verhaftet.
He has since received invoices and threats of legal action from European City Guide and debt recovery agencies, claiming that he has signed a contract.
Seitdem gehen bei ihm Rechnungen und Klagedrohungen von European City Guide und Inkassounternehmen ein, die geltend machen, dass er einen Vertrag unterzeichnet habe.