He is under suspicion of murder.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

He was sentenced to death without committing or assisting in any murder.
He was sentenced to death without committing or assisting in any murder.
He was investigating the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya.
He was investigating the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya .
The world, he said, had condemned the savage murder.
Dies sei nicht nur der Frieden.
Mr Farage said he was not accusing anyone of wrongdoing - but the Commission, he said, needed to be above suspicion.
Der Redner fragte sich, ob es bei der Beziehung zwischen Latsis und Barroso einen Interessenkonflikt gebe.
More than 40 witnesses have testified that he was involved in the torture and murder of civilian Serbs.
Mehr als 40 Zeugen haben berichtet, dass Glavas an der Folterung und Ermordung serbischer Zivilisten beteiligt war.
In 2005 he was arrested and charged with the murder of Francisco Alippi.
Er wurde 2005 wegen Mordverdacht an Francisco Alippi verhaftet.
Everyone being photographed is under general suspicion, which is clearly contrary to the principle of the presumption of innocence.
Jede abgelichtete Person steht unter einem Generalverdacht, und dies spricht eindeutig gegen die Unschuldsvermutung.
is suspicion
der Verdacht