He is in the fight of his political life in this election.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

His election, he said, was an expression of hope in solving the social, cultural, economic and structural problems facing his country.
Gesundheitsvorsorge, Alphabetisierung und Ausstellung von Ausweisen
He has pledged put the fight against racism and violence in football at the top of his agenda,
Nivel ist seitdem Invalide und leidet bis heute unter den Folgen des Angriffs.
Peace activist, he is facing a life sentence for expressing his views.
Peace activist, he is facing a life sentence for expressing his views.
At that point, he began his hunger strike and was sent to a cell where his life is in danger.
Daraufhin trat er in Hungerstreik und wurde in eine Zelle gebracht, in der er sich in Lebensgefahr befindet.