he felt he was going to suffocate

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

He died tragically in an accident before he was going to edit it.
Danach hat mich die Produktionsfirma gebeten, den Film zu Ende zu bringen.
He felt it was quite right to raise this question at this point in time and he felt the response that if Turkey could meet the political criteria then everything would be satisfactory was not a full reply.
Umso mehr bedauere er es, dass Anfang des Jahres in Prag die Rede von der Verteidigung der Nachkriegsordnung gewesen sei.
He was also critical of the proposed derogations to the directive as he felt these would undermine the directive.
Dies erfolge beispielsweise durch die Definition von biologischer Vielfalt oder den Kompromiss zum Anwendungsbereich der Richtlinie.
Was it not because he felt conflicted?
Umfassende Transparenz sei geboten.
He stated he could not pre-empt what the Commission was going to say but stressed that the Union was not based on religion.
Er versuche nicht nur der Kandidat des Rates zu sein, sondern auch der Kandidat des EP.
As to the question of the number of Commissioners, he felt that this was not really the issue.
Im Fall der Ausgaben zu Mazedonien sei dies bereits geschehen.