He feared the other prisoners were plotting against him.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Trace the calibration curve by plotting the optical densities against the corresponding quantities of phosphorus.
Die Kalibrationskurve wird aufgestellt, indem die Extinktionswerte auf der Ordinate und die entsprechende Phosphormenge auf der Abszisse aufgetragen werden.
Cheam Channy was taken into custody charging him of plotting against the CCP-led government.
Cheam Channy was taken into custody charging him of plotting against the CCP-led government.
All charges against him were dropped.
All charges against him were dropped.
The group, he said, had asked him to convey its message to the House that they did not seek revenge, and were against a war in Iraq in their name.
Doch durch Selbstabfertigung entstehe nicht mehr Sicherheit, sondern weniger.
His family does not know where he is being held, or the charges against him, and has not been allowed to visit him.
Die Familie kennt weder den Ort, an dem er inhaftiert ist, noch die Anklagepunkte gegen ihn und darf ihn nicht besuchen.
As a result of his activities, his photograph, address and other details were posted on this website, presumably to promote action against him.
Infolge seines Engagements wurden sein Photo, seine Adresse und andere Einzelheiten auf die Webseite gesetzt, wahrscheinlich in der Absicht, Besucher der Webseite gegen ihn aufzuhetzen.
If it were to emerge that he has committed a crime, the police must arrest him.
Falls sich herausstellen sollte, dass er eine Straftat begangen hat, muss die Polizei ihn verhaften.